Priestess Process
The Priestess Process
Terra e Ciello (Earth & Sky)
Level 1
The Priestess Process invites women to explore the many ways of reconnecting to life mysteries and wonders through the earth’s natural cycles, the wisdom of astrology, and shamanic ceremony to walk a path of discovery and begin an exploration of releasing fears and doubt to make way for personal power, magnetism, and passion.
Through the opening of our hearts, and minds we awaken, enliven and integrate the priestess within. We find our own sacred work and bring forth our unique gifts to serve ourselves and the world in a much larger, more inclusive way, allowing the connection to the divinity within, and the awareness of living accordingly.
Taught in the Lineage of Nicole Christine, this is a 9-month journey that allows each woman to be awakened to her soul’s unique path. The priestess learns to understand the origins of her fears, embrace her divine self, and allow her truth to be told, and in this way she gains access to the inner wisdom and knowledge of the ancient ways.
*Please note that your investment is non-refundable, if you choose to not continue your journey, you will receive a credit which can be applied to anyone of my services, or you may use it towards joining the path in the future. Your credit is valid for one year from the date of cancellation.
Your Sacred Commitment
Allow your heart and mind to unfold like a flower; open yourself to learning and knowing.
Make a dedication to begin and continue your journey on this path.
Respect and honor yourself, and the other priestesses.
Embrace the understanding that no one is ‘broken’ and we do not need to fix or correct ourselves or others.
Understand that this is an individual journey, and no two journeys are alike.
Practice observation, listening, and going within for answers and insight.
During Our Sacred Time Together
You will explore your own sacred, unique work.
You will explore your connection to earth and sky.
You will explore cyclical living versus linear living.
You will explore working with the seasons, moons and cycles each year.
You will discover your ‘Creation Team’, which are the signs in your astrological birth chart, and explore how to work with them.
You will explore the elemental structure of life; earth, water, air, fire and spirit.
You will explore the Archetypal Energies and how to work with them from within the Shamanic Astrology system.
You will explore your connection to the ancient work of the patterns, rhythms and cycles of the sky and earth while co-creating in living ceremony and allowing the alchemy to integrate into your life.
You will discover your own unique priestess expression through music, movement, journaling, art and sharing.
You will perform a sacred Inner-Marriage Ceremony to unite your Venus and Mars, which are two of the planets found within your birth chart and which reflect your intimate, romantic relationships here on Earth.
You will explore your Sacred Contract and learn to reclaim yourself.
You will explore nature, art and ritual for self-discovery.
You will discover the Shamanic Death story from within the Shamanic Astrology system.
Share the telling your sacred story and perform a ceremony for your Rebirth Ritual.
Discover working with ‘Living Ceremony’.
You will explore the alchemical transformational process and learn to identify and clear pieces that arise during the process of self-healing.
You will learn to weave the threads of your consciousness together with your own spiritual journey in this lifetime; here you will begin to see the patterns and cycles you have experienced throughout this lifetime.
You will explore the sacred medicine of working with plant, stone and animal spirits, and your own unique connection with them.
You will explore connecting to and working with your own ancestors and the ancestors of the land you live on.
You will discover your personal mythology and how it has influenced your reality to allow your inner truth and beauty to be free from the weight of your fears and outdated beliefs.
You will discover that you can stand in your power and truth.
Our Sacred Work
Week 1
Priestess Archetype
Exploring the Priestess and Alchemical Creation Priestess archetypes, New Earth Consciousness, Priestess process lineage line.
Week 2
Ceremony & Intention
Living ceremony, creating a clear intention for the process, Preparation for Initiation Ceremony, Activating your Divine Blueprint
Week 3
Clearing the Priestess Archetype Meditation
Activate Divine Blueprint
Creating your Tending Altar
Initiation ceremony
Understanding the alchemical transformational process. Learning to identify and clear pieces that arise during the process. Creating your Tending Altar and Initiation ceremony.
Week 4
Your Priestess relationship to the Living Field of Creation
Activity Sit Spot Map
Exploring Energy and creating your own Sit Spot Map. The purpose of creating this map is to attune yourself to where you are by seeing who you are with. The main question of this exercise is: Who is here with me and who am I here with? Think of this like the more you can identify your greater- than-human neighbors and where they are situated around, above and below you, the more you can find yourself. This exercise is a practice for strengthening your awareness externally and internally.
Week 5
The Priestess Elemental Power of Earth
Priestess Connection to the core of alchemy and the Elemental Forces of creation. The Temple of the Living Earth. Earth Element -Your earthen body forms the sacred container that gives you the ability to experience life in the physical realm. The container of your body holds your connection to all the other elements, Air, Water, Fire and Spirit.
Week 6
The Priestess Elemental Power of Water
Priestess Connection to the core of alchemy and the Elemental Forces of creation. Water Element - Water's fluid essence flows within your life to keep things supple, alive and growing. Without water and your emotions, you can become dry, brittle, and hard like the ground without rain. You need the rich substance of your feelings to keep your life lush and thriving.
Week 7
The Priestess Elemental Power of Air
Priestess Connection to the core of alchemy and the Elemental Forces of creation. Air Element - Air breathes life into your physical form from your first breath allowing you to exist in a body separate from your mother, sustaining your individuation. Air leaves your body as your shift into another dimension, through death. Air, gives you life and without it your body decomposes, changes form and you exist no more in this realm. Your spirit rides on the wings of air, your breath.
Week 8
The Priestess Elemental Power of Fire
Priestess Connection to the core of alchemy and the Elemental Forces of creation. Fire Element - Fire brings light, power, passion, movement and action into your life. It warms you when you are cold and initiates growth. Balance forms the core of Fire's teachings, as too much burns you out and too little can create depression or stagnation.
Week 9
The Priestess Elemental Power of Spirit
Priestess Connection to the core of alchemy and Elemental Forces of creation. Spirit Element - Spirit flows through and connects all the elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. As it moves into form through all life and every living thing, it expresses itself in unique ways depending on the substance it flows through.
Week 10
Hollow Bone
Priestess Connection to the core of becoming the Hallow Bone -- Being with possibility. Creating our possibility altar. From a shamanic point of view, everything is about energy. When we don’t have enough energy, we cannot create conscious change in our life. When we are vibrant and full, anything is possible.
Week 11
Sacred Contract
Reclaim Your Wholeness & Your Sacred Contract
Cosmology – Big Soul + Little Soul, Understanding your experiences versus your Sacred Contract. It’s time to be honest about what your definition of power has been, and then let it go completely in favor of embodying your power. Let go of all your expectations about what your path will look like, or who you will become.
Week 12
Sacred Contract (2)
Your Mythological Story
Part 2: Reclaim Your Wholeness & Your Sacred Contract
Here we see how our life and experiences give us a perception of what we think it should be versus separating the experience and the lesson. You are not trying to take on the image of being someone you are not; instead, you allow your inner truth and beauty to be free from the weight of your fears and outdated beliefs.
Week 13
Sacred Contract (3)
Clearing Old Patterns
Reclaim Your Wholeness + Your Sacred Contract Part 3
How to incorporate the elements, seasons and cycles of life to clear old patterns and to re-wire yourself to begin the process of your sacred contract. As you accept and honor yourself, you suddenly stop needing to be different, and you see the unique, perfect creation that you are.
Week 14
Focus on Feminine
Feminine and Masculine Principles Alchemically Unite in Co-Creation. One of the processes in the ancient art of alchemy is the union of solar and lunar forces within, the feminine and masculine. This needs to happen before the higher levels of spiritual transformation can occur.
Week 15
Focus on Masculine
Feminine and Masculine Principles Alchemically Unite in Co-Creation
One of the processes in the ancient art of alchemy is the union of solar and lunar forces within, the feminine and masculine. This needs to happen before the higher levels of spiritual transformation can occur.
Week 16
Yin & Yang
Feminine and Masculine Yin & Yang
Understanding the balance of yin+yang and how to balance. You can have too much in one area and not enough in another and then have some areas where you have a balanced portion.
Week 17
12 Tribes Meditation
Shamanic Astrology -- Uniting Your Venus and Mars. Your Venus Archetype. Venus on a woman’s chart represents what version of the feminine principle she is working on in the current life. Venus on a man’s chart represents what qualities of the feminine principle he is most attracted to. These are the qualities of the feminine the man must develop within himself in order to get the sacred marriage.
Week 18
Sacred Marriage
Shamanic Astrology -- Uniting Your Venus and Mars
Discussion of 12 Astrology Archetypes. Co-creative inner partnership
The sacred marriage occurs when women own their own Mars and men own their own Venus and are no longer trying to project it onto a partner. Levels of connection, understanding, and refinement. Type of inner relationship depends on the archetype.
Week 19
Plant, Stone, and Animal Medicine
Prior to class, spend time in nature and gather some plant specimens and stones that call to you. What animals do you notice? We will then in class be guided on how to work with what you gathered.
Week 20
Ancestor Medicine
Discussing the differences between Personal Lineage, Specialty Guides, Cultural & Land Ancestors and the ways we can connect to these energies and gain guidance.
Week 21
Spiritual Life Thread
You write the story of your own spiritual journey in this lifetime to weave the threads of your consciousness together. Here you will begin to see the patterns and cycles you have experienced. Integration of all of your story that has come before now to prepare you to express your next vibrational frequency after your shamanic death and rebirth.
Week 22
Preparing to share your sacred story
Message from Isis Meditation
Week 23
Preparing for your required Shamanic Death/Rebirth Transformation. 3 Levels of Thresholds
Conscious Shamanic Death Portal, In-Between the Worlds, Rebirth into the Frequency of Priestess-
Sharing your Story
Make time over the next 2 weeks to get with your partner and witness each other’s story
Week 24
Shamanic Death & Rebirth
Galactic Council Guidance – Taking you on a journey from your inner world to the outer cosmos. Your personal connection to your Galactic Council.
Week 25
Your initiation period ends 1 year and 1 day after it began.