The Elements
Earth, Water, Air, Fire + Spirit
Earth: Connected to the North, Earth is considered the ultimate feminine element. The Earth is fertile and stable, associated with the Goddess. The planet itself is a ball of life, and as the Wheel of the Year turns, we can watch all the aspects of life take place in the Earth: birth, life, death, and finally rebirth. The Earth is nurturing and stable, solid and firm, full of endurance and strength. In color correspondences, both green and brown connect to the Earth, for fairly obvious reasons!
Air: Air is the element of the East connected to the soul and the breath of life. If you're doing work related to communication, wisdom or the powers of the mind, Air is the element to focus on. Air carries away your troubles, blows away strife, and carries positive thoughts to those who are far away.
Fire: Fire is a purifying, masculine energy, associated with the South, and connected to movement and action. Fire both creates and destroys and Fire can heal or harm, and can bring about new life or destroy the old and worn. For color correspondences, use red and orange for Fire associations.
Water: Water is a feminine energy and highly connected with the emotional realm. Used for healing, cleansing, and purification, Water is related to the West, and associated with passion and emotion. In many spiritual paths, consecrated Water can be found, and usually a blessing or invocation is said above it. As you may expect, water is associated with the color blue.
Spirit: Spirit flows through and connects all the elements of Earth, Water, Air, and Fire. As it moves into form through all life and every living thing, it expresses itself in unique ways depending on the substance it flows through.